Midterm results of endovascular treatment of superficial femoral artery disease with biodegradable stents:single-center experience
2016-08-12 09:25
PURPOSE: To assess the midterm efficacy of a biodegradable poly-l-lactic acid (PLLA) stent in the treatment of superficial femoral artery (SFA) occlusive disease.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: Between June 2009 and April 2011, 35 de novo SFA lesions were treated with 43 biodegradable stents. This nonrandomized, retrospective, single-center study included patients with moderate or severe claudication, lower-limb rest pain, or ischemic ulceration restricted to the toes; symptoms were classified as Rutherford category 2 (48.6%), 3 (37.1%), 4 (8.6%), or 5 (5.7%). The population included 28 men and had a mean age of 71 years (range, 51-81 y). Follow-up included clinical examination and color-flow duplex imaging. Mean follow-up was 38.3 months (range, 30-58 mo).
RESULTS: Technical success was reported in all patients (100%). There were no intraoperative or immediate (< 30 d) complications.. During follow-up, one in-stent occlusion and seven in-stent restenoses occurred, all of which were successfully treated with percutaneous transluminal angioplasty. Primary and secondary patency rates were 77.1% and 97.1% at 24 and 36 months, respectively. No stent recoil or stent fracture was encountered. Late follow-up (> 12 mo) by ultrasound confirmed total reabsorption of the stent structures. Clinical improvement (ie, an upward shift of at least two Rutherford categories) was achieved in all 35 patients.
CONCLUSIONS: Midterm results for biodegradable PLLA stents for atherosclerotic SFA lesions were associated with high technical success and secondary patency rates, without stent recoil and vessel remodeling.